The (Iran-Turkey-Eco Secretariat) Trilateral Meeting on ECO-Regional Electricity Market, Azerbaijan the Invited Member State

  • 02 June 2021
  • 13:01
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The (Iran-Turkey-Eco Secretariat) Trilateral Meeting on ECO-Regional Electricity Market, Azerbaijan the Invited Member State

The third round of ECO-Regional Electricity Market (ECO-REM) meetings, with participants from Iran Ministry of Energy, Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Iran Grid Management Company Experts, Tavanir as Iran representatives, and Turkey Ministry of Energy & Natural Resources, TEIAS, EPIAS, EMRA companies as the Turkey representatives, has been held by ECO-secretariat. Azerbaijan representative participated also as the observer & invited member state.

Iran & Turkey ministry of energy representatives, and the ECO-secretariat strongly supported the ECO-REM project and present their concerns and point of views. 

It is agreed that during the next three weeks, the updated ECO-REM term of reference will be finalized by Iran & Turkey representatives, and then it will be followed by taking the serious, constructive, and executive measures to proceed the ECO-REM project with a reasonable speed. It is agreed that Azerbaijan could also be integrated to the project in near future. 

All of the member states are invited to send us the required information (to: to update their specific page on IREMA website, at the Regional Electricity Market tab.    

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